School on research


Santo Stefano di Sessanio, AQ


27 Maggio 2013 - 30 Maggio 2013

The programme of the School will include lectures and small group work and its objectives will be to inform the participants about key issues in psychiatry and to help participants to prepare with the help of the faculty research protocols suitable for submission or funding and for collaborative research.
The following topics on research methodology will be covered:

• ABC of research methodology
• Sampling and statistical power
• How to choose one’s own research topics and interests
• How to choose the “right” research methods
• How to choose the “right” statistical analyses
• How to write a grant application and get it funded
• Research topics in schizophrenia
• How to write a scientific paper
• Stigma and psicosis
• Real world functioning and problems of people with a severe mental illness

The programme of the School will include lectures and small group work and its objectives will be to inform the participants about key issues in psychiatry and to help participants to prepare with the help of the faculty research protocols suitable for submission or funding and for collaborative research. The following topics on research methodology…